uhuhuhu…now what are you expecting to find up here, hmmmm?

Hi, I'm Sharkaeopteryx on Twitch! To quote the inimitable Synxiec, I like to stream cool and quirky indie games and the occasional cooking stream (currently on hiatus until the wifi situation improves somehow).

I do some charity streams as well and have a bunch of different incentive and milestone rewards for those!

I'm also your favorite (???) chatty co-worker, i.e. I've been getting into doing "reverse co-working" streams where I switch the balance of work and breaks in a way that's been working for me so far (for example, 16 minutes of work then 14 minutes of gaming). The "chatty" part is because a lot of co-work streamers mute their mics during their work times, but I yap pretty much the whole time so I want people who might expect otherwise to know what they're getting into if they prefer quieter co-working spaces. If you join and have things to do while I'm streaming, you can add tasks to the list too!

I try to stream at least once a week during the week, usually Tuesday or Wednesday, and I also want to get back to streaming one Saturday a month as well. I'm not a professional streamer but I put a lot of work and care into my streams and want people (including me!) to have a good time! I'm an affiliate but not aiming for partner, and I do run 2mins of ads every 40mins to remove pre-roll ads (and because I could use the extra money), but I definitely understand if you use an adblocker or if that is a dealbreaker for you.

If you're interested in supporting my streaming, showing up and saying hi is a great way to do so! You are also welcome to check out my Throne page for stream gifts and/or my Ko-fi page for monetary support, but only if you want to and are able to!

Click the triangle on the left for a small selection of the fun stream commands you can use to interact with my stream without feeling the pressure to chat (I also have fun channel point redemptions to use too!):
    Basic commands:
  • !lurkhi (to say hi without me verbally acknowledging you, though I may nod or gesture to the camera)
  • !hype (*party popper emoji intensifies*)
  • !lurk (and also !unlurk, I verbally acknowledge you in both cases for these)
  • !nudge (for a list of commands to tell me if something is wrong with my stream, e.g. missing audio. Explains !scene, !audio, !captions, !alien, !mic, !nomusic)
  • !save (a most excellent reminder)
    Fun commands:
  • !fish (to fish using LurkBait Twitch Fishing, which I have on almost all my scenes. Fishing is free but I do make a corny joke/pun about each catch so beware!!!)
  • !dino (to learn about the idle game Dino Market, which I usually have up, and how you can join as a cute critter of your choice. Explains !join, !critters, !client, !chill)
  • !chaos (to check the chaos meter)
  • !f (to pay respects)
  • !ohno (to be aghast)
  • !gasp (to react dramatically)
  • !reference (to understand that reference)
  • 1000 (to let people know who's presenting this)